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privacy policy

  • - Nagara group (hereinafter referred to as the Company) the personal information provided by customers, using only the creation of statistical data that does not identify the purpose and individuals that have been noted, will not be used for any other purpose.
  • Individual has reached the intended use of the on-information, we will promptly be discarded at the site impossible to play with the responsibility form.
  • · 15 Guests under the age Please read together with parents.

Privacy Policy

In the protection of personal information on this site for the effort, to respect your privacy, we pay close attention in order to protect the personal information.

In addition, "personal information" here means information that can identify and identify an individual by one or more combinations such as name, age, gender, date of birth, occupation, address, email address, etc. .. 

  • 1. When you wish to use our site, there are times when you tell us your personal information, if necessary.
    The Company, when collecting personal information from customers, on which to inform in advance the purpose and use of content, will be the collection of personal information in the appropriate range, will not be used for any other purpose.
    However, if the purpose of use from the situation at the time of acquisition is clear, if you were recognized as an exception by the other laws and regulations, it may be allowed to omit the explicit purpose of use.
  • 2. The Company, unless the customer's consent, will not provide the collected personal information to third parties.
    However, if you are prompted for a disclosure from and public institutions If you are prompted for a disclosure by law, you may want to disclose or provide personal information without obtaining your consent.
  • 3. The Company, the personal information of customers, leakage or loss, will be managed in an appropriate manner in order to protect from tampering by unauthorized access or the like.
  • 4 personal information that has reached the intended use of the on., We will promptly be discarded in a non-playing we have a responsibility form.
  • 5. We will comply with laws and regulations and other relevant norms concerning the protection of personal information.
  • 6. We are due to a change of laws and regulations, you may want to change this content. We will certain period of time posted at our site for changes. If the corrected content do not agree, you can be rejected by your own judgment.


  • • The Company for various types of information provided on this site, but we strive to me for the most up-to-date and accurate information, there is no guarantee about the completeness, accuracy and usefulness.
    We use the original of their own risk, by some chance, for damage or problems caused by that it has been using these information, we are not responsible.
  • - We will strive to complete the operation of the site, but the interruption of the net, even if the damage to your users, such as by stopping the operation has occurred, the Company does not assume any responsibility.
  • - Information on this site, for any damages resulting from the use of such programs, we are not responsible.
  • • For the safety of your personal information in other Web sites on our site are linked, we will not take any responsibility.


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